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X-ray of a foot highlighting Diagnostic Tools Used in Podiatry in Sugarland, TX

Your Houston podiatrist must use various diagnostic tools in order to create the optimal treatment plan for your needs. The exact tools used will depend on your food doctor’s preference and the nature of the condition. Keep reading to learn about the diagnostic tools that are used in podiatry.

X-rays have always been popular diagnostic tools. They help your foot specialist determine whether a bone in your foot has been broken, fractured, or otherwise injured. They are also useful in assessing bone growth in children as well as finding out whether infections or diseases have caused changes in the bone. This procedure is done quickly, and is typically completed within ten minutes. Another diagnostic tool that your foot specialist may use is ultrasound, or musculoskeletal ultrasonography. Whereas x-rays are effective in diagnosing complications in bones, ultrasound is the preferred technique when the issue has to do with soft tissue. This tool can be used to diagnose conditions like heel spurs, tendonitis, or plantar fasciitis.

As a foot doctor, your podiatrist has several diagnostic tools at his or her disposal. X-rays are typically used when there is a problem with the bone, while ultrasound is used for soft tissue.