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Sweaty feet can be a real problem. Not only are sweaty feet uncomfortable, but they can also be a very embarrassing issue. Sweaty feet can cause terrible odor and irritation. Additionally, sweaty feet can put you at a greater risk for athlete’s foot, fungus, and even infection. When you have sweaty feet, you want a remedy and fast. But how do we treat sweaty feet? Is there a medical reason this could be happening? What are the underlying causes? Here, we have all the answers for you about sweaty feet, causes, and treatments.

Tips and tricks to manage and prevent sweaty, smelly feet in Sugar Land, TX

What Are the Causes of Sweaty Feet?

Why are your feet sweating excessively? Before you can treat your sweaty feet, you need to know the cause. There are many reasons your feet could be sweating, and here are some of those issues:

  • Hyperhidrosis
    Hyperhidrosis is a condition in which the sweat glands produce excess sweat. When the sweat glands of the feet produce too much sweat, it is a condition called plantar hyperhidrosis. Hyperhidrosis falls into two categories. Primary hyperhidrosis is usually a genetic condition in which it is unclear why the sweat glands overproduce. Secondary hyperhidrosis is caused by a separate medical condition such as hyperthyroidism, hormonal changes, diabetes, or autonomic dysfunction. This excessive production from the sweat glands of the feet can cause significant issues and should be treated.
  • Environmental Factors
    Some environmental factors that can cause excessive sweating of the feet include hot or humid weather, stress, long stints of exercise, and poor ventilation indoors.
  • Footwear Choices
    Some poor footwear choices for sweaty feet include socks that retain moisture, footwear that isn’t breathable, any thick slipper, or other non-ventilated footwear.
  • Diet and Lifestyle
    Specific diet and lifestyle choices can lead to sweaty feet. Certain spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine can lead to foot sweating. Excessive physical activity can also lead to sweaty feet.
  • Health Conditions
    Some health conditions can cause the feet to sweat excessively. Stress and anxiety can lead to excess sweat production. Certain medications can also cause sweaty feet. Some neurological conditions, such as Parkinson’s disease, can also cause sweaty feet. Certain infections, fever, and other illnesses can lead to sweaty feet as well.

Expert Tips for Managing Sweaty Feet

  • Choosing the Right Footwear
    Some shoes can offer ventilation to the foot. Try to avoid synthetic materials and choose shoes that are made of leather or canvas for maximum ventilation properties.
  • Regular Foot Hygiene
    Wearing moisture-wicking socks can help. Keep your feet clean and moisturized. Wash your feet thoroughly and dry them to prevent the spread of bacteria and fungus.
  • Using Antiperspirants or Foot Powders
    Antiperspirants are a quick and easy way to minimize odor in the feet. Antifungal foot powders can also help by treating the foot for odor and eliminating the risk of foot fungus.
  • Socks Matter
    Cotton socks can be a good choice, whereas nylon is a sock that may cause more sweating. Some sports socks provide technology that minimizes odor. Moisture-wicking socks are typically a good choice for excessively sweaty feet.
  • Foot Soaks and Treatments
    Some foot spas offer special foot soaks to minimize sweaty feet. For an at-home remedy foot soak, you can try black tea. Soaking feet in black tea for 20 minutes a day may reduce sweat in the foot.
  • Maintaining Healthy Feet
    Healthy feet are happy feet, and there are many ways to keep your feet healthy. Offer your feet some comfy insoles. Avoid ill-fitting footwear. Take breaks and allow yourself to go barefoot. Prevent the buildup of bacteria by keeping your shoes clean and rotating the shoes you wear.

When to Seek Professional Help

If excessive foot sweating is beyond your control, it may be time to consult a healthcare professional. A foot doctor can help you figure out why your feet are sweating and determine the best options for reducing excessive sweating in your feet. Some excessive foot sweating can’t be treated by over-the-counter remedies or home remedies.


Whether you have an underlying medical condition, you’re an active athlete, or you seem to have an unknown reason for your feet sweating, there are many ways to combat the problem. From choosing the proper footwear to maintaining the appropriate hygiene for your feet to seeking medical care, you can treat this issue efficiently. Treating your excessive foot sweat problem will reduce the risks of athlete’s foot, fungus, and bacteria, leading your feet to a happier, more comfortable path.

Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists

In the greater Houston area, treating excessive foot sweating doesn’t have to be a challenge. The right foot and ankle doctor is waiting for you at Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists. It’s as simple as contacting Dr. Brian Lee and his team. We will help you maintain your feet so that they remain healthy and odor-free. With in-house X-ray and state-of-the-art equipment such as ultrasound, shockwave, and laser technology, we have all the answers for you about what is causing your foot sweating and how to treat it. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us or visit our website.