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If you’re looking for ways to reduce your foot pain, then you may benefit from bunion surgery near Sugar Land . When left untreated, bunions can cause you severe discomfort and affect your quality of life, but surgery for bunions can potentially provide you with relief from your painful symptoms.

Before and After of a Foot Highlighting Relief from Bunions through Surgery in Sugarland, TX

Understanding Bunions

Bunions are one of the many possible causes of foot pain. A bunion is described as an enlargement of the MTP, or metatarsophalangeal, joint, which is located at the base of the big toe. If you’re unsure about the nature of your condition, visit a foot specialist as soon as possible to receive a diagnosis and treatment plan. Some of the common symptoms of a bunion include swelling, redness, or pain. You may also notice a firm bump on the outer edge of the MTP joint and restricted motion in your big toe.

Treating Bunions

Your podiatrist may first advise a variety of conservative treatments to address your painful bunion symptoms, such as ice application to reduce swelling, orthotic shoe inserts to offer cushioning and support, and shoes that provide plenty of space in the toe box to avoid aggravating your symptoms. When non-invasive methods fail to address your pain or prevent the progression of the condition, your doctor may advise surgical solutions for your bunions.

Removing Bunions

When you and your doctor determine that surgery is the best option for providing you with relief from your symptoms and repairing the MTP joint, you may be scheduled for a bunionectomy. This surgical treatment for bunions is a simple procedure that involves the removal of the bony prominence on your foot and is optimal for less severe cases of bunions. If your bunion condition is more advanced, a more involved surgery may be necessary. This type of treatment usually involves removing the bony prominence and realigning the affected joint. After their procedure, patients usually experience a few weeks of pain and discomfort which can typically be managed using medication prescribed by your podiatrist.