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Diabetic Foot Care and MLS Laser Therapy: Everything You Need to Know

If you have been living with diabetes, you likely understand the importance of proper foot care. People with diabetes often require the expertise of a podiatrist or need to visit a foot specialist regularly. Whether you or a loved one has diabetes, you probably have questions about foot care. And what about laser therapy? Laser treatment can be used to treat diabetic foot issues. You may require this type of laser treatment, but you may have questions. Laser treatment may be the answer, and Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists are here to help.

MLS laser therapy providing vital diabetic foot care in Sugar Land, TX

The Connection Between Diabetes and Foot Health

Many types of issues can affect the feet of individuals with diabetes. Depending on how advanced the disease is, diabetic patients can suffer numerous foot problems.

  • Circulation issues
    People with diabetes have decreased circulation caused by peripheral artery disease.
  • Neuropathy
    Patients with diabetes also frequently suffer from neuropathy caused by nerve damage in the foot. Diabetic neuropathy can sometimes lead to ulcers, as the patient has no sensation of injury when it occurs.
  • Sores and Ulcers
    Foot ulcers and infections can occur, as individuals with diabetes have challenges healing quickly. Some ulcers on the foot can even lead to serious infection or sometimes even gangrene.
  • Charcot Foot
    When bones in the foot weaken, fractures and foot collapse can occur. This leads to severe deformity of the foot and instability of the patient.

These issues have been treated with painkillers or topical treatments, but what if there are better ways to treat diabetic foot issues? What about laser therapy?

What is MLS Laser Therapy?

MLS laser therapy, or multi-wave locked system laser therapy, is a procedure that is non-invasive and highly effective at treating pain and injury. MLS therapy uses two different wavelengths of light to penetrate the tissue of the foot and accelerate the healing process. It is a safe and effective treatment and alleviates diabetic foot issues.

Benefits of MLS Laser Therapy for Diabetic Foot Care

This type of therapy is very beneficial to patients with diabetes. MLS therapy can promote the following:

  • Pain Relief
    This can be useful in all diabetic foot conditions. From neuropathy to foot ulcers, patients find significant relief after receiving MLS laser therapy.
  • Improved Circulation
    Peripheral artery disease and poor circulation are mitigated through MLS laser therapy.
  • Enhanced Healing
    The healing of injuries to the foot can mean that ulcers either do not form or are healed before they become infected or gangrenous. This is life-changing for diabetic patients.
  • Reduced Inflammation
    The reduction of inflammation means a faster healing process. The cellular regeneration process is vastly accelerated through this laser therapy.

How MLS Therapy Works

MLS therapy works by targeting damaged tissue with two types of wavelengths. 808 nm is effective for its anti-inflammatory effects and pain relief. 905 nm is effective in tissue repair and the stimulation of blood flow. When the body’s cells are stimulated by laser therapy, the mitochondria (the powerhouses of the cells) are stimulated, and this accelerates healing in the cell and, consequently, the tissue. MLS laser therapy can even cause the regeneration of nerves. This makes this type of treatment a game-changer for patients with neuropathy.

MLS Laser Therapy vs. Traditional Treatment Options

Traditionally, these conditions have been treated with pain medications. However, painkillers can cause liver damage, drug dependency, and other issues. MLS can be beneficial compared to traditional treatment options. This is because it is:

  • Extremely Effective
  • Pain-Free
  • Non-invasive
  • Free of Any Medications
  • Free of Side Effects

Aftercare and Long-Term Management

Patients usually receive between six and twelve MLS therapy treatments. Following treatment, patients should:

  • Monitor feet daily, checking for any changes.
  • Wear the proper shoes and socks. This means supportive diabetic shoes and moisture-wicking socks.
  • Keep blood sugar levels stable and follow all orders from doctors about a healthy diabetic lifestyle.
  • MLS may be combined with physical therapy for better results.

When to Seek Professional Help

If you have struggled with foot issues due to complications of diabetes, it may be time to seek professional help. 20% of patients who develop foot issues due to diabetes will require an amputation. Some patients even die due to foot ulcers and infections. Laser therapy can be life-changing. If you suffer from foot ulcers, neuropathy, peripheral artery disease, edema of the foot, or Charcot’s foot, it is time to seek professional help. A licensed physician can recommend the proper treatment for you. If you think that MLS laser therapy is a viable option, ask your physician to begin receiving this highly effective treatment.

Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists

In the Greater Houston, Texas, area, finding the right foot and ankle doctor is as simple as contacting Dr. Brian Lee and his team at Advanced Foot and Ankle Specialists. The leaders in the greater Houston area for MLS laser treatment, we have the skills and the equipment to help make MLS laser therapy part of your healing journey. We will help you maintain your feet so that they remain healthy and strong. With in-house X-ray and state-of-the-art equipment such as ultrasound, shockwave, and laser technology, we have all the answers for you about MLS laser treatment, diabetic foot issues, foot ulcers, the healing process, and more. For more information or to schedule an appointment, contact us or visit our website.